Inductive Bible Study


9:15 AM Sunday School -10:30 AM corporate worship - 5:00 PM Converge Youth

What is Inductive Bible Study

Inductive Bible Study shows you how to discover God's truth for yourself. The concept behind the inductive study method is to get students personally, intimately involved with the subject, observing carefully for themselves. For example, if we were studying frogs using this method, we would begin by taking students to the pond to touch and observe real frogs before taking them to the library to study books about frogs.

To experience a quick, hands-on introduction to the Inductive Bible Study method, download this printable PDF document

Inductive Bible Study Method Overview

We use a straightforward investigative approach to open the Bible and build the context for each statement it contains. That's where we find God's precepts—or principles—for life. Inductive study is the tool used to collect those precepts to build a God-glorifying, Bible-centered worldview with clear applications to live the abundant, victorious life in Christ.

There are three steps to Inductive Bible Study:

* Observation
Specially designed skills for busy lives in an age of speed, noise and endless distractions, the inductive study method will help you slow down to focus on God's Word and see what it really says.

* Interpretation
Careful observation enables students to discover what the text means in its context. Since the Bible is its own best interpreter, the more accurate your observation, the greater your understanding of God's Word will be.

* Application
The Creator and Author of life has shown us how to live a satisfying, eternally significant life. Intentional, disciplined observation and interpretation lead you to the profoundly applicable truth of the Bible.

Without application, Bible study can become "knowledge that puffs up" or doctrinally shallow anecdotes. Our goal is to change lives by connecting people with Christ.