

9:15 AM Sunday School -10:30 AM corporate worship - 5:00 PM Converge Youth

The latest sermons at Three Rivers Church

Colossae was 12 miles from Laodicea and 100 miles from Ephesus in the southern part of Phrygia. Greeks, Jews, and Phrygians made their home here giving the city a diverse cultural background. New ideas were discussed and considered.

It's about A.D. 61 and Paul is in prison. The church at Colossae is on his heart although he has never visited with them. He takes the time to write to this church to combat those "new" ideas that were actually tearing down the fundamental principles of the faith. Paul needs to remind them who Christ is and who they are in Christ. He needs to provide them with instructions on how to combat the false teachers who are filled with human philosophy and empty deceit.

Join us as we dig in to this wonderful letter to the Church at Colossae. This series began July 14, 2024.

March 2025